Cozy Cove Resort, in the theme of having everything you will need, makes the same statement with boating.
Most people own and bring their boat to the Resort. At the Resort we have a boat ramp, sell gas and oil, and have a private dockage space for your boat. Additionally, we provide battery chargers for your troll motor.
If you don't bring a boat, we provide you with a 14 ft Lund or Tracker aluminum boat - free. If you have an outboard, bring it. The Trackers can handle a 25 Hp motor. We rent 8 Hp and 15 Hp motors. All motors are near new.
We have five pontoon boats. They all run excellently. We do cosmetic restoration of the boats annually and replacements as needed. Presently we have a 25 ft. pontoon boat, two 24 ft. pontoon boats and two 20 ft. pontoon boats. If you have a large group, we strongly urge you to rent a pontoon for the week when you book your cabin. It is fun all being in the same boat fishing, telling stories, or just cruising and partying.